Connecting People Improving Lives


Blackburn Networks is a Wholesale Neutral Carrier, which has strong presence in the US and the Caribbean providing business services in the Latin America countries and territories. We offer a network of global connectivity via our own submarine cable capacity and our relationship with international consortiums with over 350,000 km of sub-sea cable systems. Blackburn is actively involved in the deployment of smart connectivity to support today’s fast-moving, telecoms landscape.

With a comprehensive portfolio of innovative and flexible solutions for retailers, wholesalers and OTTs worldwide, Blackburn core business is our bandwidth and Internet access, which we proudly provide in: IP VPN MPLS, Ethernet Private Line, Colocation, Logistics, Managed Services, Network Security, and Cloud Connect Services.

In a market place that is constantly evolving, Blackburn is the new neutral carrier that brings its customers a true digital experience and makes technology accessible to everyone in the Americas and to the World.

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